Piotr Zeszutek

Build confidence - save the results

Do you want to grow in rugby? Record the results of training and matches — statistics are the key to success!

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Piotr Zeszutek gym

Track your progress — the key to growth

Rugby is a game of details and the road to the championship requires constant improvement. That's why it's so important to keep track of your results — both from the gym and from the field. Each set, each repetition, each workout is a step forward that is worth documenting. The saved results will allow you to see how much work you have already done and how far you have come. This is your personal archive of development, which will not only show you an increase in strength or technique, but also motivate you to continue working.

Analyze matches — learn from mistakes and successes

Did you play a game? Don't let this experience go to waste. Watch the recording, note the key statistics: how many charges you made, how many passes you made, how accurate your decisions were and how many charges you released. You can create your own table in which you will record this data. With this, you will not only see what you need to work on, but you will also build confidence by seeing your strengths. Rugby is a game of numbers and details — the more you know about them, the better you can perform.

Statistics as motivation and basis for work

Saving results not only allows you to monitor your progress on an ongoing basis, but also builds your confidence. You see in black and white how much work you have put in and what results you have achieved. This gives a solid foundation for further development. Statistics become your personal compass, which indicates what works and what else you need to work on. It is worth taking a moment after each training or match to take notes - it is an investment in your future as a player.

Founder of Skills Rugby Academy


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